Digikala Login / Signup Module

Digikala Login / Signup Module

Digikala Login / Signup Module

Digikala Login / Signup Module

1,400,000Toman Ex Tax: 1,400,000Toman
  • Viewad Number : 1006
  • Product Code: 2.3-3.0-4.0
  • Availability: Available For No-Online Sale!

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As you know, on the DJ website, the registration is done very quickly with a mobile number, it does not require a fixed password to enter the password and can be entered with a disposable code that is received via SMS.
Accordingly, we also prepared this module that allows you to enter and sign up with email or mobile number.

No longer need your customers to fill out the general field and even stay in some stores, waiting for the call and confirmation of the account, with this module, your customer can be logged in or register and register and register. After entering the disposable password you received in your email or mobile, enter the account.

It is important to note that your customers must complete their profile before purchasing, which can be completed in the OpenCard by logging in to the account editing section, after completing this section, you can go to pony? Did

This module, unlike other existing modules, does not need to compatibility with your Open Card template, does not matter. You have the default or non-default template, this module does not use your header and faster and is designed in the form of an HTML template. To you whenever you want to be able to edit the module output files (in version 2 that is TPL and in version 3, which is twig) and its related CSS files, give any changes you want to appear.

This module uses Wikiwad for version 2 and for the version of the OCMOD, which is why no changes do not apply to the open core and your template!

Necessary points:

Because the module requires texting to send a text message, this module is connected to our osmosis panel in the Ippanel system, if you have another SMS system and intend to use this module in that system, before or after purchase. Call or tick up after checking your SMS panel documentation and its functions and its functions, the cost of the customization of this module will be received from you and connect to your SMS panel.

It should also be noted that because it has been used to send a SMS from the IPPANEL system, it is part of the SMS (send by Pattern) that does not exist in other SMS panels and in our own system only for golden users And above the possibility of using this section, so keep in mind that this section is not applicable to other panels!

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